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Dr. med. Jan Duwe


Our goal is to pro­vi­de you with the best pos­si­ble indi­vi­du­al advice and tre­at­ment. We take our time and make sure that you are pro­fes­sio­nal­ly cared for and feel com­ple­te­ly well. Col­le­gi­al inter­ac­tion and cont­act with other spe­cia­lists and refer­ring phy­si­ci­ans are also very important to us.”

Dr. med. Jan Duwe is a spe­cia­list in vas­cu­lar sur­gery with a focus on both endo­vas­cu­lar and open sur­gi­cal tre­at­ment of pel­vic and leg arte­ries. He spe­cia­li­zes in the tre­at­ment of dise­a­ses of the veins, espe­ci­al­ly vari­co­se veins and the rel­ap­se the­reof. In addi­ti­on, Dr. med. Jan Duwe spe­cia­li­zes in the crea­ti­on of indi­vi­du­al access for dia­ly­sis pati­ents (arte­rio­ve­nous fis­tu­la or shunt sys­tem, such as cathe­ter implantation).

After stu­dy­ing medi­ci­ne at the Cha­ri­té of Hum­boldt Uni­ver­si­ty in Ber­lin, Dr. med. Jan Duwe attai­ned a doc­to­ra­te with expe­ri­men­tal cli­ni­cal work on the in vitro coa­ting of vas­cu­lar pro­s­the­ses with human endo­the­li­al cells. For this dis­ser­ta­ti­on, he recei­ved the Robert Koch Pri­ze from the Cha­ri­té in 1999.

Dr. med. Jan Duwe began his trai­ning in car­diac sur­gery at the Cha­ri­té of Hum­boldt Uni­ver­si­ty in Ber­lin. He has lived and work­ed in Switz­er­land sin­ce 1999 and holds Swiss citi­zen­ship. He com­ple­ted his trai­ning as an FMH spe­cia­list in sur­gery and vas­cu­lar sur­gery (incl. a cer­ti­fi­ca­te of achie­ve­ment in phle­bo­lo­gy and endo­ve­nous ther­mal abla­ti­on of saphe­nous veins) at the Cli­nic for Car­diac and Vas­cu­lar Sur­gery with Prof. Dr. med. Dr. h.c. T. Car­rel and Prof. Dr. med. J. Schmid­li at the Insel­spi­tal hos­pi­tal in Bern and as a seni­or phy­si­ci­an at the sur­gi­cal cli­nics of the can­to­nal hos­pi­tals in Lies­tal and Schaff­hau­sen. From 2008 to 2019 he work­ed as a vas­cu­lar sur­ge­on at the Lucer­ne Can­to­nal Hos­pi­tal and from 2016 to 2019 he was a seni­or phy­si­ci­an. He beca­me a Fel­low of the Euro­pean Board of Vas­cu­lar Sur­gery (FEBVS) in 2013.

  • Spe­cia­list Vas­cu­lar Sur­gery FMH
  • Fel­low of the Euro­pean Board of Vas­cu­lar Sur­gery (FEBVS)
  • Spe­cia­list for Sur­gery FMH
  • Phle­bo­lo­gy Cer­ti­fi­ca­te of Excel­lence (USGG)
  • Cer­ti­fi­ca­te of Achie­ve­ment in Endo­ve­nous Ther­mal Abla­ti­on of Saphe­nous Veins (USGG)
  • Peri­phe­ral bypass sur­gery (femo­ral-pop­li­te­al/­fe­mo­ral-crural) for the tre­at­ment of inter­mit­tent clau­di­ca­ti­on and the tre­at­ment of cri­ti­cal ischemia
  • Con­ven­tio­nal open and endo­vas­cu­lar eli­mi­na­ti­on of peri­phe­ral vaso­dila­ti­on (ili­ac and pop­li­te­al aneurysms)
  • Con­ven­tio­nal open and endo­vas­cu­lar tre­at­ment of dise­a­ses of the aor­ta (main artery) in vaso­dila­ti­on (aneu­rysms) or occlusions
  • Hybrid ope­ra­ti­ons in the pel­vic leg area (throm­bo­en­dar­te­rec­to­my of the femo­ral artery + stent implantation)
  • The enti­re spec­trum of tre­at­ment of vari­co­se veins: from clas­si­cal sur­gery to endo­lu­mi­nal, mini­mal­ly inva­si­ve scl­ero­the­ra­py pro­ce­du­res (laser or radio­fre­quen­cy abla­ti­on), espe­ci­al­ly for rel­ap­se situa­tions (after initi­al tre­at­ment) and tre­at­ment of chro­nic con­ges­ti­on wounds (open leg, ulcers)
  • Scl­ero­the­ra­py of vari­co­se veins (in com­bi­na­ti­on with vari­co­se tre­at­ment or as an indi­vi­du­al treatment)
  • Implan­ta­ti­on, care and revi­si­on of dia­ly­sis access (arte­rio­ve­nous fis­tu­la and arte­rio­ve­nous shunt), as well as implan­ta­ti­on of vas­cu­lar catheters